Create Notes

How to use

Create a title for your webpage and write at least 5 notes, then you will be able to save which will create your website

Optionally, you can change the image of the sunflower to whatever you want with a link to a hosted image (hint: use "special" in this box for randomly generated flowers)

Once your website is created, copy your edit page url with the button. If you want to add/edit notes later you will need to save this link or you will lose access

To see the display page where your website is, copy the display page url with the button. Send this URL to your special someone

Colors definition

Once someone has access to your display page you will be able to see what notes they read or favorited

Yellow: This means the note has been read

Pink: This means the note has been favorited

Actions on display page

Single click on arrow: Show next/prev note

Double click on arrow: Show first/last read note

Double click on note: Add note to favorites

Double click on image: Cycle through favorited notes